ABSTRACT: The Role of Adaptive Learning Technologies in Personalized Vocational Training explores the integration of adaptive learning technologies to tailor educational experiences and enhance skill acquisition in vocational education. This study investigates how adaptive technologies personalize learning pathways, cater to individual learner needs, and optimize learning outcomes in vocational training programs. The objectives were: to examine the effectiveness of adaptive learning technologies in improving student engagement and learning outcomes, to analyze the impact of personalized learning approaches on skill development and retention, and to explore challenges and opportunities in implementing adaptive technologies in vocational education. A survey research design was chosen to gather data from vocational educators, instructional designers, and students, providing insights into perceptions of adaptive learning effectiveness and usability. A sample size of 250 respondents was purposively selected to include stakeholders from vocational institutes and technical colleges in Ogun State, Nigeria, recognized for their innovation in educational technology. The case study focused on a vocational training center in Abeokuta, highlighting successful implementations of adaptive learning technologies and their impact on student learning experiences. Findings indicated that adaptive technologies enhanced student motivation, personalized learning pathways, and improved skill mastery in vocational fields. It is recommended that vocational institutions should invest in adaptive technology infrastructure, provide training for educators on adaptive learning pedagogies, conduct regular assessments of technology efficacy, and foster a supportive learning environment conducive to personalized vocational training.
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the study
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